How to apply for MIRP 2017?
To select our topics and listening events for MIRP 2017, we would like you to write to us aboutĀ what is on your mind as a producer of artistic narrative audio, and to send usĀ a piece of audio you would like to discuss.
The places are limited, be quick.
To sign up, send us an email at: before July 30th.
We will work with what you send us, so we would like you to:
- Send us a question you would like to address
- Send us a topic you would like to do a presentation about
- Send us a piece of audio (max 5 min), preferably your own work, that you would like to discuss. Add a translation if necessary.
You will receive your confirmation for attending on 7th August, together with a link for the payment. The deadline for payment is 15th August 2017. If you have any trouble with the payment, please let us know, otherwise your place might go to someone else.